Saturday, February 28, 2009

changes they are here

things are going to change around here - now.

As of Friday i am no longer a man of leisure (now it appears i have two jobs rather than none). Shit. I liked being "retired/redundant" (dont you find redundant a strange term for a degree educated person with 25 years business experience). I never felt redundant (i just was). the jobs will help the bank balance (and it will certainly please my mum - now i have a "real" job).

Also it looks like travel (for 2 years minimum) to a foreign land is also in this family's stars. London here we come (well we think so) in September. Know anyone that wants to rent a house or buy a car or two? Sue looks like she is going to work for the WA Government in their London Office. Looks like Ash and I will just have to tag along and see what happens. I should be able to work as i am actually a british subject (yep) and Ash should be able to as well as she can also get a passport.

the next few months are going to be interesting. New job, work out how to "emigrate" move house, sell cars etc, get passports, actually move and get accomodation/set up in UK.

oh what fun.

do you believe in Karma? well it looked like "she" just landed on Ashby St.


Sarah said...

Holy shit! That's big news, man! First of all, I thought the liquor store gig was a real job. Heh heh, ah well. But LONDON? Wowie. That's intense. Congrats. I think. Dunno, never been to London. All the luck in the world to you guys. Sheesh! London....

KathyA said...

Hi! I'm stopping by from "She Dreams" Congratulations on your new jobs!! Yes, I do believe in karma -- big time. I look forward to hearing about the big move.

Summer said...

WOW. England? That's crazy! Why take the new jobs if you're moving? I left something for you at my place.

Anonymous said...

woops actually scratch previous comment, i am baby sitting for my sis that night so i will have to wait till sue is back from gallivanting!

aquaris5 said...

ok anonymous - dinner date postponed until further notice. (why dont i have you email?)

Anonymous said...

'Grats on the new job and the move to London! Looks like 2009 is the year for changes.