Thursday, March 26, 2009


its funny u know (or maybe not) but i have always been a girl/women kind of man. any real friend i have had in my life (with very few exceptions) has been a girl and most have been very platonic (much to my despair on some occasions)

I cant work it out really but while i like and respect many men, pretty near all of the key people in my life are women (and i dont think i would have it any other way).

what i cant figure out is why this has happened or why it is so important in my life.

oh well i guess there is not much wrong with the current situation so why lose any sleep or hair (i know its pretty much all gone - because of the women in my life?) over it.

opinions welcomed


Anonymous said...

I'm exactly the same. Most of my very close friends are male. I wondered about it for a while, until I got to college. It was there that I realized that I can't deal with female drama and how women treat each other. It's so much easier to maintain strong friendships with men.

And, thanks again for all the birthday wishes :)

aquaris5 said...

you are welcome - men never did it for me though.

Lakes Lass said...

because you're a masochist :)

Anonymous said...

hahahaha love ur comment G-bounce...and Mel (good name, she must be onto something) i too hate female drama. Come play for a womens bball team and you'll meet wayyy too much of it ;)