Saturday, January 17, 2009

mostly quiet on the western front

been a relatively quiet day. Sue had a haircut, we had some breakfast, i went to a chiropractor for my back and then we spent most of the day laying on the lounge watching movies.

the only real "excitement" was to get a text from Daughter X in canada asking her mum to ring ASAP. you know the alarm bells that kind of text sends. well they were ringing (and justifiably so). she was at a hospital in Canada and needed a credit card number to pay $750 canadian before they would examine her. She fell on ice and hurt her elbow. apparently its not broken which is a good thing because if it was they were going to ask for another $3000+. What do they do with you if you cant pay - throw you out on the street i guess.


quotes for the day

The more passions and desires one has, the more ways one has of being happy.

and on a medical note

Don't worry if you're a kleptomaniac, you can always take something for it.


Summer said...

I thought Canada had socialized medicine and that everyone had medical care whether they could pay or not. Guess not.

How is she?

Sarah said...

Damn Canadians. Glad G's elbow isn't broken. Those moose-loving bastards... On another note, I decided to remain in the states this year. Lot of things going on that I don't (can't) miss. This year I haven't even tried to keep up my resolutions. I think I'm good enough. Haha, more like too friggin' lazy.