Friday, November 14, 2008

family update

well life in dullsville has been generally dull. This week just seems to have glided by with no really notable events - well sort of:

- mum has been a "bit" sick - yep she got the lurgy but not the full blown version thankfully.

- Ash got a job and she might be getting sick (today). She is not sure about it yet but it is still early days

- Nanny Max is getting over it

- grandad is still going ok and Nanna is ok too

- Lauren turned 18 this week (we will be there sunday afternoon/night for family drinks)

- Paul and Amber had a great time in Vietnam. Now they are back to domesticity (and planning for the future)

- the stockmarket is still chewing up our money (as is our "poor" family)

- i am getting the business thing sorted out (should have new emails and website up soon) and I am also applying for jobs of all kinds (Bunnings, Bottleshop Attendant, Project Director/Manager etc)

- no riding has been done for weeks but i am going to do a ride next Sunday week so i probably should dust the cobwebs off the bike and make sure the wheels still go around next week

- have not heard about or from anyone else so the assumption is that all is fine on the western front


- looks like Ben Cousins might get clearance to play. He might be wearing a wig though as he gave a hair sample that came up clean. Clubs in the running appear to be brisbane and st kilda

- the weather is fine (and improving)


Lakes Lass said...

thank you!! :) promise not to be poor ever again... ha ha.
love u xoxo and big HAHAHAHAHA to the above article!! irony if ever i saw it.

Summer said...

Isn't summer coming soon?